Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hormone Warning

There are several reasons why a homesteader may be called on to medicate their livestock with hormones. Sometimes when something goes really wrong in an animals reproductive cycle, a hormone shot can 'reset' the problem. If it is desirable to bring all the females in the herd in season at the same time for breeding to a specific male or artificial insemination, then certain hormones can be administered that can cause this to happen. Or...if there was an accidental breeding that was absolutely not wanted, some hormones can be administered to end the pregnancy. Medicating with hormones has its place on the homestead, but please listen to this warning.

Wear gloves. Wear latex gloves or an equivalent, and be very careful where the hormones and their packaging end up! Hormones will go right through human skin and be absorbed into the bloodstream...and are potent. A little goes a long way. For women, they can monkey the hormonal balance for fertility, alter moods, or even cause abortions. Hormones give very specific instructions to whatever body they enter...male or female. Be careful with them!!

I can't remember where I read it or who I heard it from, but when I do, I will give proper credit! A large animal vet's assistant was down in the dumps, and was telling her boss that something was seriously wrong...she felt like she was losing her mind. She would start crying for no reason, and felt out of control. The vet asked her.."Have you been wearing gloves when handling the horse estrogen?"
She said 'No! And what does that have to do with me losing my mind?"
The vet said..."Everything. You have flooded your body with estrogen by handling it without gloves. Start wearing gloves and in a little while, you will be ok."


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