Like many homesteaders, I really enjoy fishing, but there is a responsibility that must be addressed...what to do with old fishing line. Throwing it on the ground is unthinkable, but I have seen wads of the stuff on the ground and thrown in bushes. If I am in a position to do so, I grab the line and stick it in my pocket so it can't entangle an animal...and because whenever I go somewhere, I try to pick up a piece of trash to leave the place a little better than when I got there.
Throwing old line in the trash could also cause problems for critters later on, unless you shred it. There is one other better option, though. You can find a place to recycle it! There are places that sell fishing equipment that also have monofilament recycling stations. Our local Extension Office also has a monofilament fishing line recycling box, and when it gets full, they send to a place that melts it down into plastic planks that fit together to make fish safety habitats.
The Extension office also built nifty recycling bins out of PVC pipes to install at various popular fishing places, so people would have a readily accessible place to put their used fishing line. The bins are clearly labelled and put it obvious locations in parks, on docks, etc. My family volunteered to monitor and empty one recycling bin that is located not too far from out house. We enjoy doing it! The first reason is because it helps keep fishing places free from fishing line litter. are you wondering what the big deal is yet about why I debated writing this post? Well...its because of the other reason why we enjoy emptying the fishing line bin. Its because...people throw lures, sinkers, bobbers and hooks in along with their fishing line! Its great! We put this stuff right in our tackle fishing gear! How cool is that? Sometimes there is other trash in there, too, and we just sort it out into piles of usables, recyclables, and trash. Don't tell, ok? Its a secret. But you can see about setting up a fishing line recycling bin at your neighborhood fishing hot spot, and fish for free fishing gear!
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