Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Goat Network

I attended a goat clinic yesterday, and realized something about new goat owners. They need to know the importance of networking.
Basically, unless you live in the middle of nowhere, you don't need to buy every medicine, tool, and piece of equipment that pertains to goats just because someday you might need it.
If you own two probably don't have to buy castrating equipment, a tattoo outfit, a microscope, and a disbudding iron. At least...not right away, because that will be expensive. And...if you way stock up on meds, chances are a lot of it is going to go to waste because it will expire before you need it!

The solution? Make friends with other goat owners. They are generally a pretty good bunch, and want to promote the animal, and encourage new owners!
Networking works as long as you follow a few simple rules. First of all...listen when an experienced goat owner tells you something. Take care of your animals, and learn about them. Use common sense! When an experienced goat owner sees that you are sincere about learning what it takes to care for your animals, they will probably bend over backwards to help you! This means the sharing of knowledge, tools, meds, etc. As you build up your arsenal of knowledge, experience, and tools, you find yourself experienced goat owner. And then guess what? Sooner or later, a new goat owner will look you up. And then you get the privilege of passing on that torch that was passed to you.

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