could abruptly become a reality on any day, brought on by a natural disaster-storm, flood, earthquake, disease, crop failure. It could be a man-made disaster-terrorist attack, financial collapse. Many times, these occurrences do not come with significant warnings, so being prepared is the wise and responsible thing to do. can store food, and a freezer is probably last on my list of a place to store food, unless you have a way to run that freezer for an extended period of time if the power goes out.
Canned food is better, but it takes up space and the expiration dates have to be watched.
Dry food is very good...whole grains, pasta, beans, white rice, dehydrated foods. They keep indefinitely under the right conditions.
Knowing how to hunt and fish are helpful.
Knowing how to kill and dress homestead animals is also helpful.
The garden is a good source of food, of course!
Knowing how to collect wild plants for food is also good.
If you don't already have a 'just in case' plan for food storage/availability in the event of an emergency, I suggest you start thinking about it now! Ever been to Walmart right before a hurricane? Its as bad as shopping there on Christmas Eve or Black Friday, and those shelves go bare of the things you need mighty fast. Unless you like capers and tobasco sauce! And then what happens if its two weeks before they open their doors? Or longer? Got a plan?
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