Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fifth Allergy Appointment

Allergy update! Ok...the antibiotics and prednisone didn't touch my sinus issue, so its on to a new plan. At first the allergist was thinking about trying more antibiotics, but then I told her I went on Levaquin last year and it didn't touch the problem. So now, we are looking at seeing if I am dealing with a fungal issue, and I have to get my blood drawn to see if I have antibodies to candida. If so, then I will go on an antifungal medicine. We shall see. So...either I have a resistant strain of bacteria, or fungus, or a mechanical issue going on that makes my sinus and one tooth really hurt at times, but are always sensitive. The tooth has a filling, but the dentist can't find a problem with the tooth. If the fungal route doesn't pan out, then its off to an ENT...ear, nose, throat specialist. husband has started the allergy a week with today being his fourth dose. It is going well, but they do make him stuffy. When he told that to the person in charge of giving him his shots, they backed off on the dose and that seemed to help. And next week, I think I will be starting my allergy shots as well.

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