Friday, August 19, 2011

Dressing for Honeybees!

When preparing to go and 'work the bees', it is important to be wearing properly protective clothing. Its no fun getting stung, and its mostly preventable. However, it is not necessary to go out an buy an expensive bee suit to achieve a protected state!

Bees do not like dark colors, so stick with white or very light clothing. Long sleeve, slightly loose t-shirts are good. Jeans are also fine, though black is not a good color choice. Boots and sneakers work great...sandals, not so much. It is best to tuck your pant legs into your socks to prevent any bee from accidentally crawling up your leg. While the ensuing dance is amusing to watch, it is no fun to perform! Light colored used military flight suits can be purchased online, at thrift stores or military surplus stores. We just bought one for $15 which my son uses and and really likes. The wrists have velcro, and it has lots of pockets.

You will need gloves. You can buy a good pair from a honeybee equipment company for around $20. These have elastic at the opening, which is a good thing. The leather is also thin enough to where you can still work the frames and use your tool efficiently. You can use regular leather gloves, too, but make sure they aren't black and you can secure the wrists some how so the bees don't crawl inside.

A bee veil is also something you will need. You can buy a veil/hat combo, or just the veil and wear a baseball cap, fishing hat, or something underneath the veil.

Ok...I know in the movies sometimes they have folks working bees without any of this equipment. Or, you have heard about your great uncle who worked bees in just his overalls and never got stung, or read about someone who could do this. Well...they exist, and they can do it. But, they are the Mozarts and Beethovens of the bee world. I am not, and chances are, you aren't unless you WANT to get stung, I suggest you wear protective clothing when working your bees!

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