My family owns dairy goats. We have Nubians and Saanens, nine altogether. We run a CL and CAE tested free flock. We drink the milk, raw. Now, I never really wanted goats, but about twelve years ago my husband had very bad pneumonia, and when he came off the antibiotics he had severe digestive issues. Doctors tested him for cancer, parasites and a host of other things, but could not find the problem. To me looking back…with him coming off a triple course of antibiotics, his problem should have been quite obvious to the doctors!! But, he was sent home with the diagnosis of ‘We really don’t know what is wrong with you.’ We decided to cut dairy out of his diet and the digestive issues mostly stopped. Eventually we found out through trial and error that he probably has an issue with cow milk proteins and peanut butter. I learned to cook with soy milk. Notice I did not say ‘learned to like it’…I HATE soy milk!!!! It’s a great way to ruin a perfectly good batch of mashed potatoes! The children didn’t mind the flavor, and using it meant that we could share our meals together, instead serving ‘our’ food and ‘Dad’s’ food. That may sound silly, but everyone eating and enjoying the same food together was and still is important to me. It’s a simple way to unite a group of people. I guess it’s a universal principal, though I really hadn’t given it a lot of thought until right as I was writing this!
Anyway, one day, we tried goat milk at a friend’s house and were surprised to find that: A. It tasted great! B. My husband had no issues with it! So, we got goats. Ok, it wasn’t that simple, but that is another post!
Through the years his ability to digest cow milk products has dramatically improved. He can eat yogurt, many cheeses, butter, and cream. Whole cow’s milk is still off limits, as well as American cheese, cream cheese, and anything with peanuts. But, the goat milk really brought eating and cooking almost back to normal for us, and it was…and still is…wonderful!
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