Composting - Outside
We decided to make our own compost bin using wooden pallets. Off to the local hardware store ~ they had an abundance they were HAPPY to let us have. Found a friend with a truck. Bribe friend with homemade bread. :-D Delivery of pallets complete. Wooden pallets can serve an array of needs (more on that in another blog).
We arranged our pallets in a square with no opening. Took baling wire and wired the corners together. The original idea was once the first bin was full, add three more pallets and build a row of composting bins in various stages of 'cooking.'
This is similar to ours:
You can throw a variety of items into the bin ~ most of our food scraps go to the chickens ~ a few items NOT to include are:
- Ashes from coal - or processed lumber;
- Colored paper;
- Diseased plants;
- Inorganic materials - metals, foil, plastic, glass;
- Meats, bones, fish, fats, dairy;
- Pet droppings; and
- NO chemicals
A few items you can include in your outdoor compost pile:
- Fruit waste/Vegetable stalks
- Straw
- Newspaper - shredded
- Garden waste
- Coffee grounds
- Leaves
- Corn stalks
- Pine needles
- Grass clippings (only NON-chemically treated)
- Manure
- Cardboard (shredded)
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