Okay...maybe courageous is not the best word to describe how I segued from being a city slicker into a homesteader...but the title had a ring to it, did it not? {laugh}
So how did I go from this:

To this? Keeping chickens in my house!
Never thought I would leave my capital city for some semblance of country/suburban life, you have GOT to be kidding me. I would not change it back for anything! I absolutely love the journey it has been.
We have learned a LOT and made a LOT of mistakes along the way.
Currently we live on 1 acre - have a 30 x 40 foot garden, 2 chicken yards (only 1 currently in use), 3 portable chicken pens (only 1 currently in use), and 2 'baby' pens. We are probably on the low end of the spectrum with the least variety of animals. :-D We raise chickens for meat and eggs - and oh yeah, entertainment.
Can't forget that 'cause they can be very entertaining. The above picture shows some of the peeps we bought to raise up for both meat and egg laying. The yellow ones are the meat birds - the multi-colored are the egg layers.
I hope this blog and future sit ares a blessing and encouragement to all those who are either starting out or would like to. Trust me, if I can do this...anybody can.
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