Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mr. Clean Magic Erasers

No magic to them, but Mr. Clean Magic Erasers clean amazingly well! I think their texture allows them to grab onto dirt, grease and grime infinitely better than a regular sponge. They are not abrasive and do not leave scratches on surfaces. I use them for cleaning stubborn stains on my counter, finger prints on doors and walls, sneakers, car and truck dashboards, sinks, etc...they perform unexpectedly well.

I never bother getting the regular ones...I always get the 'extra power' ones. They are more dense and can hold up better to my cleaning needs. I tend to be brutal with them!

They must be moistened before use, but do not need any soap added. Every now and then if I am cleaning something greasy, I may add a drop or two of dish soap to my bucket, but that is all...and I am not even sure if that is really necessary. Sometimes old habits die hard, and I almost expect to find Mr. Clean standing over my shoulder with a frown and an eye roll when I do add the soap!

I have seen that some stores now have imitation versions of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, but I have not tried them and can't tell you if they are comparable in performance. I do know that my Sunday paper usually has coupons for the originals, and many times inside the empty box there is another coupon as well.

I will not often endorse a commercial product, but the first time I used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, I was VERY impressed. This is one product that really can help around the homestead in the cleaning department!

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