Ok...the basic birth kit is for when everything goes as it normally does! Sometimes, however, things go wrong. I have already written about my favorite book for newbies to read if they plan on getting livestock, and that book is 'All Creatures Great and Small' by James Herriot. I learned a lot from the book about general birthing problems that I still remember and apply today!
So...the first additions to the birthing kit are latex rubber gloves and a tube of lubricant, such as K-Y jelly. These are for if a baby gets stuck inside during the birth process and you need to go in after it. Make sure your hands and arm as clean as possible first! The gloves are not sterile, and are mostly for protecting the inside of the animal from your fingernails. This is especially important if you have long, rough nails or dirt under your nails.
Now...if you just stay in the vaginal canal, you don't have to treat the goat with antibiotics. If you enter the uterus, it is a very good idea to administer penicillin in case you accidentally introduced any harmful bacteria.
Therefore, the next part of your birthing kit includes 20 gauge needles, 6 ml syringes, and a bottle of penicillin. The penicillin will need to stay in your refrigerator, but is still a part of your kit!
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