Friday, September 23, 2011

Green Deane and Euell Gibbons of my pastimes and fascinations is with the wild edible foods around us! Tons of food go to waste around us every year because we do not recognize it as food! I have learned a lot, but have a lot more to learn.
'Stalking the Wild Asparagus' by Euell Gibbons is what piqued my interest years ago. My future mother-in-law had the book at her house, and I could not keep my nose out of that book! One day, she finally gave it to me, and I have enjoyed it ever since. It is a great book for introducing a person to the joys of foraging for wild foods.
Another great resource for wild food info is 'Green Deane'. He is a man who has a great web site called and has a lot of knowledge when it comes to finding and preparing wild foods for your plate! I just learned about him, but have a feeling I will be spending a lot of time watching his videos and gleaning info! He also has a newsletter that you can sign up to do that is on his website.

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