Ok...I am remembering a couple random thoughts right now about two things that will attract deer, so I will share them with you!
When we bought our property, most of it was thick, impenetrable woods. We hired a local guy to come with his bulldozer to make a small field for us, so we could eventually have some pasture for our livestock. My husband told a man he worked with what we were planning, and the man said that the deer would be coming up to investigate. When my husband asked the man why he thought that, he replied that deer are always attracted to the smell of freshly turned dirt. Well, we had never seen deer around, but sure enough, the morning after the work was done...there were deer tracks in the dirt!
Another man we know said that he went hunting with a man who brought a white handkerchief. They would sit at the side of the field, and the man would flick his handkerchief to attract a buck. The highly visible white cloth mimicked a white deer tail flagging back and forth...specifically, a doe in heat. This would get the attention of a buck, who would come to investigate. This was the theory, anyway. I suspect it probably has some merit, as most hunters have better things to do than wave handkerchiefs in the air for no good reason!
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