Friday, September 30, 2011
My Take on Hope the Bear...Freeze Branding
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Goat kids and Lambs and Nursing, Oh, My!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Dipping Goat Kid and Lamb Navels
To dip the cord- while holding the baby, tilt your body forward a bit, put the bottle opening over the cord, and press it firmly against the baby’s belly. Then tilt your body backward a bit to make the iodine cover the entire umbilical cord, tip back forward, and then take the bottle away from the baby’s belly. Try not to get the iodine on anything, as it stains. Also, it can burn your skin if it dumps on your clothes and stays wet against your skin. It is important to dip the cord to reduce the chance of infection.
I once had an over-zealous Great Pyrenees take the whole cord off right down to the belly…it bled more than I would have liked, but I still dipped and the goat kid was ok. The dog was just trying to clean the kid up to get rid of all discharge and tissue that could attract predators, not harm the kid.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Easy Granola Recipe
Monday, September 26, 2011
Honey Crystallization Part 2
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Honey Crystallizing Part 1
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Chicken Recall...The Good Kind!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Green Deane and Euell Gibbons
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Goats and Sheep and Peanuts in the Shell
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
How to Attract a Bear
In keeping with yesterday’s theme of attracting animals, I will pass on this tidbit that my father passed on to me. This is for those folks who want to attract a bear, which is definitely something I have never really had a need to do! It’s a simple process…get an old can and some honey. Light a small fire under the can…maybe put it up on some rocks…and then burn the honey. Any bear in the vicinity that is hungry or curious will come to check out the source of the smell. I think before you do this you should make sure that you really do want to attract a bear, and are prepared for one to show up. When I was up in northern Maine, my neighbor was hunting bear, and my father told him to burn some honey. When my neighbor tried it… he shot a young male bear. I remember that he had the bear laying on his garage floor, and our young lab/German shorthair cross did NOT want to go into the garage. She had never smelled a bear before, but she knew the smell meant ’danger’. After much coaxing, she finally entered the garage and gave the carcass a cautious sniff. It was neat to watch her…I wondered how she knew to be so careful.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Attracting Deer
When we bought our property, most of it was thick, impenetrable woods. We hired a local guy to come with his bulldozer to make a small field for us, so we could eventually have some pasture for our livestock. My husband told a man he worked with what we were planning, and the man said that the deer would be coming up to investigate. When my husband asked the man why he thought that, he replied that deer are always attracted to the smell of freshly turned dirt. Well, we had never seen deer around, but sure enough, the morning after the work was done...there were deer tracks in the dirt!
Another man we know said that he went hunting with a man who brought a white handkerchief. They would sit at the side of the field, and the man would flick his handkerchief to attract a buck. The highly visible white cloth mimicked a white deer tail flagging back and forth...specifically, a doe in heat. This would get the attention of a buck, who would come to investigate. This was the theory, anyway. I suspect it probably has some merit, as most hunters have better things to do than wave handkerchiefs in the air for no good reason!