Wednesday, August 10, 2011

As Pleasant as a Buck in Rut

We have two buck goats here on our property. One is a Nubian, and one is a Saanen. And this past week, they have entered the phase called 'rut'. Basically their hormones are revved for the coming breeding season. They are ready to breed anything that comes into their pen, and many may fight anything they think is getting in the way of that objective. In a way, this is good, as it will insure a productive kidding time about half a year from now. However...this also means that whoever goes into the buck pen needs to be watchful, in case the buck decides they are either something to breed or fight! Keep an eye on the not turn your back. Even a buck that is normally predictable can become unpredictable during rut.

Three other changes changes happen during rut are generally unpleasant to humans, but the does think it turns the buck into Mr. Macho-man.

The first is that their scent glands on their head and legs really rev up, and the bucks become walking musk factories. The smell can be quite strong, and getting even a little on you or your clothes turns YOU into a musk source...only the does will love you! And...just in case you get used to the smell, you still must assume that if you have touched a buck in rut, or anything they have touched,,,,that you will have it on you, whether you smell it or not! Get a shower and change all your clothes before going out in public if you don't want to risk getting funny looks from other people!

The second is that the Bucks begin urinating on their face, beard, and front legs. I am at a loss as to why they do this, but you should to watch their legs for urine scald. This is when the hair falls off and the skin gets crusty-gross. Some folks use Desitin baby rash ointment, or petroleum jelly to soothe the problem. Another thing is that with their beard saturated with urine, it makes their water bucket nasty in no time...and some bucks will refuse to drink the water in this condition. Kind of a double standard, I think, but they need that water! So...we change their water daily, and we also cut off their beard to minimize this problem.

The third thing they do is get very vocal, calling to the girls and making all kind of whoops and blubbing. Between the smell and the calling, every doe in the neighborhood will be as close to the buck pen as they can when they are in heat!

Oh...and another thing...most bucks will drop weight during rut. They don't eat as well and they are stressed. Its important that they are in prime condition going into rut, as it takes a lot out of the guys!

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