I don't know about you, but during the summer months on our homestead, we seem to be under attack from flies! It is annoying to say the very least. But then you have the next problem: how to get rid of those flies? Where is that fly swatter?
I don't know about you, but in our home they seem to develop legs and disappear! Or they are made in China and break after you kill one fly! Well, the other night it was late and I was really needing to kill some flies when I went to throw the newspaper away. Then I realized...this is what my grandpa used to use to kill those buggers! So I folded it up and gave it a SWAT! And sure enough, IT WORKED! And I tried it again and I had another one down! And then another! And I was having fun with my cheap fly swatter! Yep, I have decided that newspaper is really the best fly swatter on the market!